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List of all known Bermuda Triangle accidents

Posted by Ivica Miskovic | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 | | 4 comments »

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels have disappeared in what are said to be circumstances that fall beyond the boundaries of human error or acts of nature. Some of these disappearances have been attributed to the paranormal, a suspension of the laws of physics, or activity by extraterrestrial beings by popular culture. Though a substantial documentation exists showing numerous incidents to have been inaccurately reported or embellished by later authors, and numerous official agencies have gone on record as stating the number of disappearances to be unexceptional by their estimation, many have remained unexplained despite considerable investigation...

  • 1908, January 22 BALTIMORE - A bark that disappeared east of Hampton Roads, Virginia with 9 persons
  • 1908, January 27 GEORGE R. VREELAND - A schooner that disappeared east of Hampton Roads, Virginia with 7 persons.
  • 1909, September 18 GEORGE TAULANE JR. - A schooner that vanished off the coast of Georgia with 7 persons.
  • 1909, November 14 SPRAY - A 30 something foot vessel owned and sailed by Joshua Slocum. A world famous sailor and the first man to sail around the world in a small boat. He is the author of the book "Sailing Alone Around the World"
  • 1909, December 16 MARTHA S. BEMENT - A schooner disappeared east of Jacksonville, Florida with 7 persons
  • 1909, December 18 MAGGIE S. HART - A schooner disappeared east of Jacksonville, Florida with 8 persons
  • 1909, December 23 AUBURN - A schooner disappeared east of Jacksonville, Florida with 9 persons
  • 1909, December 25 ANNA R. BISHOP - A schooner disappeared east of Jacksonville, Florida with 7 persons
  • 1910, March 15 U.S.S. NINA - US Navy Steam Tug Boat. The first steamship on record to vanish in the triangle
  • 1910, March 26 CHARLES W. PARKER - A steamship that disappeared east of the southern Jersey coast with 17 persons.
  • 1913, December 17 GEORGE A. LAWRY - A schooner, disappeared east of Jacksonville Florida with 6 persons on board.
  • 1914, January 29 BENJAMINE F. POOLE - A schooner disappeared east of Wilmington North Carolina.
  • 1914, February 27 FITZ J. BABSON - A schooner disappeared east of Jacksonville Florida with 7 persons.
  • 1915, April 10 BERTHA L. BASKER - A freighter that disappeared while en route from New York to St. Martin.
  • 1915, April 20 MAUDE B. KRUM - A schooner that disappeared east of St. Andrews Florida with 7 persons
  • 1916, November 3 BROWN BROTHERS, or BROWN BROS. - A bark that disappeared east of Savannah Georgia with 12 persons on board.
  • 1917, March 6 TIMANDRA - A freighter that vanished east of Norfolk Virginia with 19 persons on board.
  • 1918, March 17 U.S.S. CYCLOPS -
    This is one of the classic Bermuda Triangle disappearances. Volumes have been written about this vessel, and the more that come to light, the more confusing and mysterious it becomes. Two of her sister ships the PROTEUS and the NEREUS disappeared on almost the same route in 1941. The loss of those two ships was overshadowed by the onset of World War II. Click here for a list of the 21 officers and 285 enlisted men officially listed as dead on June 14th, 1918.The ironclad steamer KICKAPOO carried the name CYCLOPS from 15 June to 10 August 1869, then was renamed KEWAYDIN.The second Cyclops, a collier, was launched 7 May 1910 by William Cramp and Sons, Philadelphia, Pa., and placed in service 7 November 1910, G. W. Worley, Master, Navy Auxiliary Service, in charge. Operating with the Naval Auxiliary Service, Atlantic Fleet, the collier voyaged in the Baltic during May to July 1911 to supply 2d Division ships. Returning to Norfolk, she operated on the east coast from Newport to the Caribbean servicing the fleet. During the troubled conditions in Mexico in 1914 and 1915, she coaled ships on patrol there and received the thanks of the State Department for cooperation in bringing refugees from Tampico to New Orleans. With American entry into World War I, Cyclops was commissioned 1 May l917, Lieutenant Commander G. W. Worley in command. She joined a convoy for St. Nazaire, France, in June 1917, returning to the east coast in July. Except for a voyage to Halifax, Nova Scotia, she served along the east coast until 9 January 1918 when she was assigned to Naval Overseas Transportation Service. She then sailed to Brazilian waters to fuel British ships in the south Atlantic, receiving the thanks of the State Department and Commander-in-Chief, Pacific. She put to sea from Rio de Janiero 16 February 1918 and after touching at Barbados on 3 and 4 March, was never heard from again.Her loss with all 306 crew and passengers, without a trace, is one of the sea's unsolved mysteries.
  • 1919, January 4 BAYARD HOPKINS - A schooner that disappeared east of Norfolk Virginia with 6 persons.
  • 1920, February 20 AMELIA ZEMAN - A schooner that disappeared east of Norfolk, Virginia with 9 persons.
  • 1920, April 18 WILLIAM O'BRIEN - Wooden steamship, new, 3143 tons, going from New York to Rotterdam
  • 1920, October 1 ALBYAN - Russian bark sailing from Norfolk, Virginia
  • 1920, October 19 GENERAL MORNE - British schooner, Lisbon to Newfoundland
  • 1920, November 17 YUTE - 2974 ton, Spanish Steamer
  • 1921, January, After the 20th HEWITT - Steel Steamer, between Texas and Boston
  • 1921, January 31 CARROLL A. DEERING - Size given as either a 2,114 or 3,500 ton five masted schooner found abandoned and aground on Diamond Shoals.
  • 1921, February 2 MONTE SAN MICHELE - Italian steamer, 4,061 tons. Sailing from Portland, Maine to Genoa.
  • 1921, February 3 CABEDELLO - Steamer sailing from Norfolk, Virginia
  • 1921, February 6 OTTAWA - Steamer, sailing from Norfolk, Virginia to Manchester, England
  • 1921, April 4 CANADIAN MAID - British Schooner sailing from Monte Cristo to New York
  • 1921, October 27 BAGDAD - Lost off Key West, Florida with eight persons.
  • 1922, February 11 SEDGWICK - Schooner, Lost east of Charleston, South Carolina with 6 persons.
  • 1925, April RAIFUKU MARU - This is the ship responsible for the famous "DANGER LIKE DAGGER NOW" radio message.
  • 1925, December COTOPAXI - Steamer, possibly two vessels with the same name as records indicate another COTOPAXI sighted an unknown 35 foot abandoned craft in 1969
  • 1926 PORTA NOCA - An island taxi ferry operating by Cuba
  • 1926, March - The week of the 14th - 22nd SUDUFFCO - A freighter shipping from New Jersey to Los Angeles.
  • 1928, November VESTRUS
  • 1931, June CURTISS ROBIN MONOPLANE - An aircraft that disappears off Palm Beach, Florida with 2 persons.
  • 1931, October STAVENGER - Lists the date only as 1931. A freighter lost south of Cat Island with 43 people
  • 1932, April JOHN AND MARY - Listed as a schooner found abandoned 50 miles south of Bermuda
  • 1935,December WACO BIPLANE - Havana to the Isle of Pines.
  • 1938, March ANGLO - Australian freighter, Lost southwest of the Azores with 39 persons.
  • 1940, February 3 GLORIA COLITA - Abandoned 125 foot schooner found 150 miles south of Mobile, Alabama (Gulf of Mexico)
  • 1941, March 12 MAHUKONA - Lists the date only as 1941 also states that it was a freighter renamed the SANTA CLARA prior to some wreckage found 600 miles east of Jacksonville, Florida.
  • 1941, November PROTEUS, U.S.S. - Sister ship to the CYCLOPS and the NEREUS. Sailing from St. Thomas to Atlantic seaports. Lost with all hands.
  • 1941, December NEREUS, U.S.S. - Sister ship to the CYCLOPS and the PROTEUS. Vanished on the same route as the PROTEUS, St. Thomas to Atlantic seaports, Lost with all hands.
  • 1942, November PAULUS - Listed as a passenger ship en route from the West Indies to Halifax
  • 1943 MARTIN MARINER AIRPLANE - Lost 150 miles south of Norfolk, Virginia with 19 persons.
  • 1944, October 22 RUBICON - Cuban cargo freighter found abandoned off the coast Florida. 90 gross tons. All hands missing, ship seaworthy with all personal effects still on board.
  • 1944, December NAVY BOMBER AIRPLANES - Five of them which seem to disappear a year before Flight 19.
  • 1945, January B-25 AIRPLANE - Lost between Bermuda and the Azores with 19 people.
  • 1945, Summer BOMBER AIRPLANE - A small bomber with 2 people on board. Took off from Cecil Field, Florida.
  • 1945, July 18 NAVY PRIVATEER AIRPLANE - PB-4YW, 4 engine. Lost between Miami, Florida and the Bahamas
  • 1945, December 5 FLIGHT 19 -
    Five Grumman TBM Avenger Torpedo Bombers. - At about 2:10 p.m. on the afternoon of 5 December 1945, Flight 19, consisting of five TBM Avenger Torpedo Bombers departed from the U. S. Naval Air Station, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on an authorized advanced overwater navigational training flight. They were to execute navigation problem No. 1, which is as follows: (1) depart 26 degrees 03 minutes north and 80 degrees 07 minutes west and fly 091 degrees (T) distance 56 miles to Hen and Chickens Shoals to conduct low level bombing, after bombing continue on course 091 degrees (T) for 67 miles, (2) fly course 346 degrees (T) distance 73 miles and (3) fly course 241 degrees (T) distance 120 miles, then returning to U. S. Naval Air Station, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
    In charge of the flight was a senior qualified flight instructor, piloting one of the planes. The other planes were piloted by qualified pilots with between 350 and 400 hours flight time of which at least 55 was in TBM type aircraft. The weather over the area covered by the track of the navigational problem consisted of scattered rain showers with a ceiling of 2500 feet within the showers and unlimited outside the showers, visibility of 6-8 miles in the showers, 10-12 otherwise. Surface winds were 20 knots with gusts to 31 knots. The sea was moderate to rough. The general weather conditions were considered average for training flights of this nature except within showers.
    A radio message intercepted at about 4 p.m. was the first indication that Flight 19 was lost. This message, believed to be between the leader on Flight 19 and another pilot in the same flight, indicated that the instructor was uncertain of his position and the direction of the Florida coast. The aircraft also were experiencing malfunction of their compasses. Attempts to establishcommunications on the training frequency were unsatisfactory due to interference from Cuba broadcasting stations, static, and atmospheric conditions. All radio contact was lost before the exact nature of the trouble or the location of the flight could be determined. Indications are that the flight became lost somewhere east of the Florida peninsula and was unable to determine a course to return to their base. The flight was never heard from again and no trace of the planes were ever found. It is assumed that they made forced landings at sea, in darkness somewhere east of the Florida peninsula, possibly after running out of gas. It is known that the fuel carried by the aircraft would have been completely exhausted by 8 p.m. The sea in that presumed area was rough and unfavorable for a water landing. It is also possible that some unexpected and unforeseen development of weather conditions may have intervened although there is no evidence of freak storms in the area at the time.
    All available facilities in the immediate area were used in an effort to locate the missing aircraft and help them return to base. These efforts were not successful. No trace of the aircraft was ever found even though an extensive search operation was conducted until the evening of 10 December 1945, when weather conditions deteriorated to the point where further efforts became unduly hazardous. Sufficient aircraft and surface vessels were utilized to satisfactorily cover those areas in which survivors of Flight 19 could be presumed to be located.
    One search aircraft was lost during the operation. A PBM patrol plane which was launched at approximately 7:30 p.m., 5 December 1945, to search for the missing TBM's. This aircraft was never seen nor heard from after take-off. Based upon a report from a merchant ship off Fort Lauderdale which sighted a "burst of flame, apparently an explosion, and passed through on oil slick at a time and place which matched the presumed location of the PBM, it is believed this aircraft exploded at sea and sank at approximately 28.59 N; 80.25 W. No trace of the plane or its crew was ever found.
  • 1945, December 27 VOYAGER II - A 70 foot schooner.
  • 1946, December 5 CITY BELLE - A 120 foot schooner found abandoned.
  • 1947, July 3 C-54 AIRPLANE - Took off from Kindley Field, Bermuda en route to Morrison Army Airfield, Palm Beach, Florida.
  • 1948, January 30 STAR TIGER AIRPLANE - Airliner sister ship to the STAR ARIEL, both are Tudor IV, 4 engine model.
  • 1948, March AL SNYDER - Disappears in The Triangle.
  • 1948, March TENDER, BOAT - A 16 foot tender for the EVYLYN K disappears.
  • 1948, December 28 DC-3A AIRPLANE - Known as "The Holiday Plane" this twin engine plane disappears within 50 miles south of Miami, Florida.
  • 1949, January 17 DRIFTWOOD - 36 foot cabin cruiser.
  • 1949, January 17 STAR ARIEL AIRPLANE - Sister ship to the STAR TIGER. A 4 engine Tudor IV that disappears en route from Bermuda to Jamaica.
  • 1950, June SANDRA - A 350 foot freighter sailing from Savannah, Georgia to Puerto Cabello, Venezuela with 300 tons of insecticide.
  • 1950, July 9 DC-3 AIRPLANE - The plane was being used for missionary work by the New Tribes Mission group.
  • 1951, October 3-4 SAO PAULO - Brazilian Warship, De-commisioned
  • 1953, February 2 BRITISH YORK - Transport plane
  • 1954, October 30 NAVY SUPER CONSTELLATION - From Patuxent River Naval Air Station to the Azores
  • 1954, December 5 SOUTHERN DISTRICTS - Converted navy LST
  • 1955, January HOME SWEET HOME - Schooner
  • 1955, September 26 CONNEMARA IV - Motor yacht found abandoned
  • 1956, November 9 NAVY PATROL BOMBER, MARTIN MARLIN, P5M - Twin engine patrol flying boat, 350 miles north of debris recovered, crew of 10.
  • 1958, January 1 REVONOC - A 44' yawl disappears in bad weather from Key West to the Caribean with Harvey Conover on board.
  • 1962, January 8 PLANE, KB-50J AIR TANKER - Langley,Virginia to the Azores.
  • 1963, February 4 MARINE SULFUR QUEEN - A 523' type T2-SE-A1 tanker with a load of molten sulfur.
  • 1963, July 2 SNO BOY - 63 foot chartered fishing boat lost with 55 on board, possible wreckage found.
  • 1963, August 28 KC-135, 2 AIRPLANES - Two airplanes lost, possible mid-air collision.
  • 1963, September 22 C-133 CARGOMASTER AIRPLANE - Lost between Dover, Delaware and the Azores.
  • 1964 CRYSTAL - Reported missing in 1964, found in July of 1968, 4 years after being reported missing.
  • 1964, January 13 ENCHANTRESS - A 59 foot yacht that disappeared during bad weather and gale warnings approximatley 150 miles S/E of Charleston.
  • 1965, June 5 C-119 FLYING BOXCAR AIRPLANE - Lost from Homestead Air Base to Grand Turk.
  • 1965, October 28 EL GATO - 45 foot catamaran houseboat.
  • 1966, October 29 SOUTHERN CITIES - A 67 foot harbor tug lost in the Gulf of Mexico. The SOUTHERN CITIES had problems on three other occasions causing the NTSB and Coast Guard to blame her lack of "seaworthiness" for her disappearance.
  • 1967, January 14 BEECHCRAFT BONANZA AIRPLANE - Piloted by Robert Van Westerbork.
  • 1967,December WITCHCRAFT - A 23 foot cabin cruiser that disappeared a mile offshore of Miami near the number 7 buoy about 9pm.
  • 1968, May 21 SCORPION, USN SUBMARINE -Number SSN 589, Skipjack class. This was the sixth Scorpion. It was laid down on August 20th,1958, at Groton, Connecticut at the General Dynamics Corp. Electric Boat Division. The Scorpion launched on the 19th of December, 1959. The ship was sponsored by Mrs. Elizabeth S. Morrison and was commissioned on July 29th, 1960 under Commander Norman B. Bessac.The Scorpion displaced 3,075 tons on the surface and 3,500 tons when submerged. The ships beam was 31' 7" and it's length was 251' 9". The armament consisted of 6 torpedo tubes with a payload of ?? torpedoesAssigned to Submarine Squadron 6, Division 62, Scorpion departed New London, Conn., on 24 August for a two-month deployment in European waters. During that period, she participated in exercises with units of the 6th Fleet and of other NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] navies. After returning to New England in late October, she trained along the eastern seaboard until May 1961, then crossed the Atlantic again for operations which took her into the summer. On 9 August, she returned to New London and, a month later, shifted to Norfolk, Va. With Norfolk her home port for the remainder of her career, Scorpion specialized in the development of nuclear submarine warfare tactics. Varying her role from hunter to hunted, she participated in exercises which ranged along the Atlantic coast and in the Bermuda and Puerto Rican operating areas; then, from June 1963 to May 1964, she interrupted her operations for an overhaul at Charleston, S.C. Resuming duty off the eastern seaboard in late spring, she again interrupted that duty from 4 August to 8 October to make a transatlantic patrol. In the spring of 1965, she conducted a similar patrol in European waters.During the late winter and early spring of 1966, and again in the fall, she was deployed for special operations. Following the completion of those assignments, her commanding officer received the Navy Commendation Medal for outstanding leadership, foresight, and professional skill. Other Scorpion officers and men were cited for meritorious achievement.On 1 February 1967, Scorpion entered the Norfolk Naval Shipyard for another extended overhaul. In late October, she commenced refresher training and weapons system acceptance tests. Following type training out of Norfolk, she got underway on 15 February 1968 for a Mediterranean deployment. She operated with the 6th Fleet, into May, and then headed west for home. On 21 May, she indicated her position to be about 50 miles south of the Azores. Six days later, she was reported overdue at Norfolk. A search was initiated, but, on 5 June, Scorpion and her crew were declared "presumed lost." Her name was struck from the Navy list on 30 June.The search continued, however; and, at the end of October, the Navy's oceanographic research ship, Mizar (T-AGOR-11) located sections of Scorpion's hull in more than 10,000 feet of water about 400 miles southwest of the Azores. Subsequently, the Court of Inquiry was reconvened and other vessels, including the submersible Trieste were dispatched to the scene and collected a myriad of pictures and other data.Although the cause of her loss is still not ascertainable, the most probable event was the inadvertent activation of the battery of a Mark 37 torpedo during a torpedo inspection. The torpedo, in a fully ready condition and without a propeller guard, then began a live "hot run" within the tube. Released from the tube, the torpedo became fully armed and successfully engaged its nearest target, Scorpion. Alternatively, the torpedo may have exploded in the tube owing to an uncontrollable fire in the torpedo room.The explosion--recorded elsewhere as a very loud acoustic event--broke the boat into two major pieces, with the forward hull section, including the torpedo room and most of the operations compartment, creating one impact trench while the aft section, including the reactor compartment and engine room, created a second impact trench. The sail is detached and lies nearby in a large debris field.Owing to the pressurized-water nuclear reactor in the engine room, deep ocean radiological monitoring operations were conducted in August and September 1986. The site had been previously monitored in 1968 and 1979 and none of the samples obtained showed any evidence of release of radioactivity.
  • 1969, MARCH 23 BEECHCRAFT AIRPLANE - Lost with Dr. James Horton and Dr. Charles Griggs. A twin engine airplane lost en route from Kingston to Nassau.
  • 1969, June 7 CESSNA 172 AIRPLANE - Lost with Miss Cascio and Mr. Rosen onboard. The pilot can not see land while flying over it, but the plane is observed from the ground.
  • 1969, July TEIGNMOUTH ELECTRON - A 41 foot trimaran skipperd by Donald Crowhurst, found abandoned in mid atlantic.No trace of Crowhurst was ever found.
  • 1969, July 2 VAGABOND - Found abandoned by the GOLAR FROST in the mid atlantic
  • 1969, July 8 ABANDONED CRAFT - 36 Foot upturned hull found by HELISOMA between the Azores and Portugal
  • 1969, September LIGHT TWIN ENGINE PLANE - Mr. and Mrs. Hector Guzman are listed on board.
  • 1969, November 2 SOUTHERN CROSS - Yacht discovered abandoned 10 miles N.E. of Cape May, New Jersey.
  • 1971, July 26 LIGHT PLANE - Two couples vanish while flying Cub airplane from Curacao to Barbados
  • 1971, September 10 F-4 PHANTOM FIGHTER PLANE - Disappears off radar
  • 1971, October 12 EL CARIBE - A 338 foot motor ship
  • 1971, October 20 SUPER CONSTELLATION AIRPLANE - With a cargo of frozen beef
  • 1971, October 26 LUCKY EDUR - A 25 foot fishing yacht found abandoned off of the Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey
  • 1971, December 25 IXTAPA - A 53 foot cabin cruiser
  • 1972, February 2 V. A. FOGG - A 572 foot tanker that sank in the Gulf of Mexico with a cargo of Benzene and Xylene. Debris and the ship are found. It is rumored that all the bodies had disappeared from the wreck but there is photographic proof of human remains in the wheelhouse.
  • 1972, June 19 8 FOOT DINGHY - Two teenagers disappear from Fort Lauderdale beach
  • 1973, March, 23 DEFIANCE - Yacht, 88'
  • 1973, APRIL, 7 ROBERT STONE - Boat, 14' In the Gulf of Mexico
  • 1973, MAY, 17 ALFRED WILLIS - Boat, 21' Found abandoned three miles from Wildwood Crest, in Delaware Bay
  • 1973, DECEMBER, 20 SEA BOY II - Yacht, 56'
  • 1974, MARCH, AFTER THE 10TH SABA BANK - Yacht
  • 1976, October 13/15 SYLVIA L. OSSA - A 590 foot ore carrier disappeared approximately 140 miles west of Bermuda with a crew of 37
  • 1991, August 28 AMERICAN AIRLINES INC AIRBUS - Makes emergency landing due to turbulence
  • 1993, March 13 CHARLEY'S CRAB, CHARLES MUER - Restaurateur Charles Muer, his wife Betty and friends George and Lynn Drummey disappear between the Bahamas and Florida on the Muer's 40 foot ketch Charley's Crab in 30 foot seas with 70 mph winds in what is later referred to as "the storm of the century". No trace of victims or wreckage was recovered.
  • 1994, November 28 AMERICAN AIRLINES INC AIRBUS A300 - Battered by clear air turbulence over Martinique
  • 1995, March 20/24 JAMANIC K - A motor vessel (mv) of 357 gross tons, lost in route from Cape Haitian to Miami
  • 1995, June 25 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES INC FLIGHT 207 - Flight encounters clear air turbulence
  • 1996, October, 14 INTREPID - A 65 foot yacht missing thirty miles off Fort Pierce, Florida after issuing a quick MAYDAY
  • 1996, January 17 AMERICAN AIRLINES INC AIRBUS A300 - Hit by heavy turbulence over the Bahamas
  • 1999, April 15 MISS FERNANDINA - An 85 foot shrimp trawler lost off Flagler Beach, Florida
  • 1999, April 23 GENESIS - A motor vessel (mv) of 196 gross tons that disappeared in route from Port of Spain, Trinidad to St. Vincent
  • 1999, June 14 CESSNA 210 - Drops off radar from Freeport to Nassau
  • 1999, July 8 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES BOEING 737-800 - Forced to make emergency landing in Bermuda due to turbulence
  • 2001, March 26 COMAIR FLIGHT 5054 - Ice damage on the flight from Nassau to Orlando, Florida


  1. Thinking....... // August 27, 2008 at 5:48 AM  

    • 1908, January 22 BALTIMORE - A bark (or should it be Barge)

    Good stuff. There certainly are a lot of disappearances aren't there?

  2. Anonymous // September 2, 2008 at 7:18 PM  


    Uh, I was on the Proteus. It was commissioned in 1941, and did not have a predecessor, it was the first Proteus the Navy named.

    Amazing Nature wrote:1918, March 17 U.S.S. CYCLOPS -
    This is one of the classic Bermuda Triangle disappearances. Volumes have been written about this vessel, and the more that come to light, the more confusing and mysterious it becomes. Two of her sister ships the PROTEUS and the NEREUS disappeared on almost the same route in 1941. The loss of those two ships was overshadowed by the onset of World War II.

    Amazing Nature wrote:# 1941, November PROTEUS, U.S.S. -
    Sister ship to the CYCLOPS and the NEREUS. Sailing from St. Thomas to Atlantic seaports. Lost with all hands.

    Wikipedia wrote:Proteus was laid down by the Moore Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, Oakland, California, 15 September 1941; launched 12 November 1942; sponsored by Mrs. Charles M. Cooke, Jr.; and commissioned 31 January 1944, Capt. Robert W. Berry in command.

    Funny how the ship gets from California to the Bermuda Triangle the same month it is launched? The Wikiality jives up with the history of the ship I was on.

    By the way; this is the same ship that Tony Curtis was stationed on.

  3. Anonymous // September 2, 2008 at 7:35 PM  

    My bad, your referring to AC-9, not AS-19.

    So they turned around the name after AC-9 was lost, using the name on AS-19.

  4. Anonymous // January 9, 2009 at 10:56 PM  

    Ref the Douglas C-133 Cargomaster transports lost in the "Bermuda Triangle": Claims that they were lost due to some strange quality of the region are BOGUS. The C-133 had some pretty dramatic stall characteristics. TGhe most likely cause of their loss is a stall during climb at heavy weight, from which it was not possible to recover. See "Remembering an Unsung Giant: The DOuglas C-133 Cargomaster and Its people" for more information on all C-133 losses.